"Il segno che nella città questa vostra arte ha lasciato qualcosa di importante è un segno evidente, molto forte, che proprio attraverso occasioni come questa di oggi riusciamo nuovamente ad alimentare."
Eugenio Giani, Presidente del Consiglio Comunale di Firenze
Come si fa quando si hanno tante cose da dire, e tutte interessanti?
Si comincia subito!

Ascoltiamo nel primo video la storia dei macellai a Firenze, quando ancora si chiamavano beccai e le loro botteghe erano le regine di Ponte Vecchio.
Quanta storia, e quanto gloriosa!
Così scortati cuochi e macellai sono infine arrivati a Piazza della Repubblica, dove si sono messi al lavoro per offrire una degustazione di "vera bistecca fiorentina" ai fortunati presenti.
A presto!
"The sign that the art of butchers in this city has left something important is a clear sign, very strong, and I think that through days like this we can continue to let this sign be important".
This time I did one more thing for my foreign friends, and I put subtitles to the first video. This is because the story is very interesting and tells of how once upon a time in Ponte Vecchio, in place of the beautiful goldsmith shops that are there today, there were the shops of butchers.
The change was very fast.
The Grand Duke Cosimo I de 'Medici first decided to realize the Vasari Corridor in connection with the marriage of his son. The enclosed passageway allowed the Grand Duke to move freely between his residence and the government palace, when, like most monarchs of the period, he felt insecure in public. Then he made move the meat market to avoid its smell reaching into the passage.
This is the first story of this day, when the city of Florence pays tribute to some of his most valuable artists: the Butchers.
In the picture below the famous Ponte Vecchio. In the second box in the upper right, the Vasari Corridor, which connects Palazzo Vecchio with Palazzo Pitti crossing the bridge.
In the bottom left corner, the inside of the Corridor, where it is exposed a large collection of portraits of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Bottom right, the Bridge and in the background you can glimpse the dome of Brunelleschi's Duomo in Florence.
... so, what you're waiting for to come in Florence?
See you soon!
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